We understand how precious it is to capture beautiful moments when you travel. We also understand how expensive devices can be. With coverage up to RM2,000 Tune Protect Travel Gadget Care has got your devices covered.
This gadget protection is only applicable within Malaysia only.
*Coverage for Gadget Protection is limited to only one (1) claim per policy during the Period of Insurance
This protection is only offered via in-path of AirAsia website when you purchase your flight at airasia.com
Note: This plan is underwritten by Tune Protect Malaysia (Tune Insurance Malaysia Berhad Company No.: 197601004719 (30686-K)).
Plan Rates
Domestic | ||
Plan Type | Premium (MYR) | (with 8% SST) (MYR) |
One Way | 6.48 | 7.00 |
1-10 Days | 8.33 | 9.00 |
11-30 Days | 12.96 | 14.00 |
31-40 Days | 16.67 | 18.00 |
41-50 Days | 20.37 | 22.00 |
51-60 Days | 24.07 | 26.00 |
61-70 Days | 27.78 | 30.00 |
71-80 Days | 31.48 | 34.00 |
81-90 Days | 35.19 | 38.00 |
Download and understand your plan details
This plan is underwritten by Tune Protect Malaysia (Tune Insurance Malaysia Berhad Company No.: 197601004719 (30686-K))Member of PIDM

frequently asked questions
Apakah Perlindungan Perjalanan Gajet Tune?
Tune Protect Travel Gadget Care includes coverage for Accidental Death, Permanent Disablement, Damage to Gadget due to Accidental Damage, Damage to Gadget due to Accidental Liquid Damage, Damage to Gadget due to Accidental Screen Crack and Loss of Gadget due to Theft. This product is available for Malaysia Domestic flights only.
Perlindungan Perjalanan Gajet Tune termasuk perlindungan untuk Kematian Akibat Kemalangan, Hilang Upaya Kekal, Kerosakan Alat akibat Kerosakan Tidak Sengaja, Kerosakan Alat akibat Kerosakan Cecair Tidak Sengaja, Kerosakan Alat akibat Keretakan Secara Tidak Sengaja dan Kehilangan Alat akibat Kecurian. Produk ini tersedia untuk penerbangan Domestik di dalam Malaysia Sahaja.
Bagaimanakah saya boleh membeli Perlindungan Perjalanan Gajet Tune?
You can purchase this product only via AirAsia in-path from airasia.com website during your flight booking.
Anda boleh membeli produk ini hanya melalui laluan dalam AirAsia di laman airasia.com semasa membeli tiket penerbangan.
Bolehkah saya membeli Perlindungan Perjalanan Gajet Tune untuk perjalanan ke luar negara saya?
No, this product is only applicable if you are travelling domestic within Malaysia on a scheduled flight operated by AirAsia.
Tidak, produk ini hanya terpakai jika anda melancong dalam Malaysia dengan penerbangan yang dijadualkan oleh AirAsia.
Apakah definisi Gajet di bawah Perlindungan Perjalanan Gajet Tune?
Gadget refers to electronic item purchased by you, for which you hold Evidence of Ownership. For the purposes of this Policy, Gadget shall only mean mobile phone, laptop or tablet.
Gajet merujuk kepada barang elektronik yang dibeli oleh anda, yang mana anda memegang Bukti Pemilikan untuk tujuan Polisi ini, Gajet hanya bermaksud telefon mudah alih, komputer riba atau tablet.
Apakah beberapa syarat khas yang perlu saya ketahui di bawah Perlindungan Gajet?
- Your Gadget must be purchased within 24 months from the date of purchase of this Policy.
- The Insured Person shall pay the excess of RM100 for any one (1) claim payable under Gadget Protection.
- Our liability shall be limited to only 1 claim up to the Limit of Benefit stated in the Schedule of Benefits which shall not exceed the purchase price of the Gadget.
- Any repairs to your Gadget due to Accidental Damage, Accidental Liquid Damage or Accidental Screen Crack shall be performed within 7 days from the date of Incident
- In the event of a claim, you are required to provide an original receipt or any other document to prove that the Gadget you are claiming for, belongs to you, such as but not limited to copy of sales invoice, delivery detail or gift receipt which details the Gadget
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract for the full list of applicable benefits conditions and exclusions under this Policy.
- Gajet anda mesti dibeli dalam tempoh 24 bulan dari tarikh pembelian Polisi ini.
- Orang Yang Diinsuranskan hendaklah membayar lebihan RM100 untuk mana-mana satu (1) tuntutan yang perlu dibayar di bawah Perlindungan Gajet.
- Liabiliti kami terhad kepada hanya 1 tuntutan sehingga Had Faedah yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Faedah yang tidak boleh melebihi harga belian Gajet.
- Sebarang pembaikan pada Gajet anda akibat Kerosakan Tidak Sengaja, Kerosakan Cecair Tidak Sengaja atau Keretakan Skrin Tidak Sengaja hendaklah dilakukan dalam masa 7 hari dari tarikh Kejadian
- Sekiranya berlaku tuntutan, anda dikehendaki menyediakan resit asal atau sebarang dokumen lain untuk membuktikan bahawa Gajet yang anda tuntut, adalah milik anda, tetapi tidak terhad kepada salinan invois jualan, butiran penghantaran atau resit hadiah yang memperincikan Gajet
Nota: Senarai ini tidak lengkap. Sila rujuk kepada Kontrak Polisi untuk senarai penuh syarat faedah dan pengecualian di bawah Polisi ini.
Bolehkah polisi dibatalkan?
You may cancel the policy by giving written notice to us. You may cancel your policy by emailing us at enquiry@tuneprotect.com. However, if your trip has commenced, no refunds are allowed.
Anda boleh membatalkan polisi anda dengan menghantar e-mel kepada kami di enquiry@tuneprotect.com. Walau bagaimanapun, jika perjalanan anda telah bermula, tiada bayaran balik akan diberikan.
Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan jika terdapat perubahan pada butiran peribadi saya?
It is important that you inform us via email at enquiry@tuneprotect.com of any change in your contact detail/ life profile including nomination, occupation and personal pursuits which would affect the risk profile of this Policy.
Ia adalah penting untuk anda memberitahu kami melalui emel di enquiry@tuneprotect.com sekiranya terdapat apa-apa perubahan ke atas butiran perhubungan/ profil hayat anda termasuk pekerjaan dan kegemaran peribadi yang akan menjejaskan profil risiko.
Di manakah saya boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut?
Should you require additional information about Personal Accident insurance, please refer to the insurance info booklet available at all our branches or visit www.insuranceinfo.com.my.
Kindly email our team at enquiry@tuneprotect.com for further enquiries. You can also reach us via the Live Chat function on the site.
Sekiranya anda memerlukan maklumat tambahan mengenai insurans Kemalangan Diri, sila rujuk risalah insurans yang terdapat di semua cawangan kami atau lawati www.insuranceinfo.com.my.
Sila hantarkan e-mel kepada pasukan kami di enquiry@tuneprotect.com untuk pertanyaan lanjut. Anda juga boleh menghubungi kami melalui fungsi Sembang Langsung (Live Chat) di laman web ini.